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accelerating automation

Accelerating marketing and sales effectiveness by integration

Welcome to part 5 of our 5-part series that unpacks the top 5 MarTech building blocks for 2023 and beyond.   

2023 promises to be another challenging year, with several macro factors such as economic uncertainty, supply chain disruptions, and changing consumer behaviours impacting businesses of all sizes.  

To navigate these challenges and capitalise on new opportunities, it's crucial to stay ahead of the curve regarding technology and marketing strategies. 

At Triggerfish, we've identified the top 5 MarTech building blocks that are essential for organisations looking to build technology resilience and drive business impact in 2023 and into the future. 

These include: 

  1. Cultivating a deep digital business culture & adoption 
  2. Building on the power of data liberalisation 
  3. Future-proofing the technology stack 
  4. Building automation alliances between business and marketing operations 
  5. Accelerating marketing and sales through integration
Today we’re wrapping up our series by focusing on point five  


The Importance of Clear and Compelling Website Messaging for Effective Traffic Acquisition Strategies   

Ineffective messaging can undermine even the best traffic acquisition investments and strategies.  

In today's digitised environment, organisations have only a few seconds to capture the attention of potential customers and only a minute or two to convince them to engage further with the organisation. This highlights the importance of having clear and compelling website messaging. 

To overcome this acquisition challenge, organisations should focus on rapidly transitioning home and landing pages from underperforming liabilities to demand generation focus point. This can be achieved by implementing first-party data collection that improves levers for lead generation and conversion.  

Additionally, organisations should focus on outcome-led key messages that link product or service information to personalised buyer outcome priorities. This approach will be critical in driving user engagement and ROI and revenue attribution. 

How to increase engagement with data insights

To increase engagement, it is essential to use data insights and showcase the understanding of customer needs by conveying the path to a value.  

By linking the value proposition to buyer business outcomes, this approach crafts a compelling narrative that motivates customers to act. Through expressing empathy towards their personal or business challenges and portraying the organisation as uniquely capable of addressing the customers' needs (Job To Be Done), it effectively encourages action.


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Effective marketing and sales will be determined by adopting and weaving the above strategies into the following four engagement components: Landing page and storytelling, Customer Data Management, Marketing Automation, and Personalisation and Testing. Landing pages and storytelling are crucial in capturing the attention of potential customers and conveying a clear and compelling message.


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Using customer data to tailor marketing efforts

As mentioned a few times, customer data management is critical to understanding the needs and preferences of customers, which can be used to tailor marketing efforts and improve lead generation and conversion.

Marketing automation can improve efficiency, speed up development, and lower risk, while personalisation and testing are essential in delivering personalised experiences to customers and effectively validating or adjusting marketing investments. By weaving these four engagement components together, organisations can create a cohesive and effective marketing strategy to drive business growth and success. To continue reading bout the top 5 strategic building blocks of 2023 and beyond, download our Whitepaper.



To continue reading bout the top 5 strategic building blocks of 2023 and beyond, download our Whitepaper. 


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Building automation alliances of business and marketing operations to manage cost & growth


Embracing the Shift: A Practical Approach to Personalisation and First Party Data in a Cookie-less World