Hastings Deering

Hastings Deering grow Digital Marketing Operations

90-day delivery of Sitecore 9 on Microsoft Azure PaaS with hybrid team to deliver on business goals, fast.

increase in page views
increase in pages per session
increase in sessions
increase in user conversion rate

Hastings Deering sell, rent, and offer support and parts distribution services for customers across a range of industries, including mining, general construction, civil transport and commercial construction, power systems, government, primary industries and marine. 

Needing to rethink their digital customer experience to better understand the buying and ownership journey, Hastings Deering engaged Triggerfish to help move their previous website on a bespoke CMS to Sitecore. This change would give the company a more customer-focused, data-rich scalable platform with marketing automation and CRM integrations as well as e-commerce capabilities.

With their new Sitecore website up and running in just 90 days, the Hastings Deering marketing team were in a favourable position to ensure their investment would deliver a seamless digital experience, which is core to their customer engagement model. In order to get the most of their MarTech investment, Hastings Deering worked with Triggerfish to deliver cross-functional capabilities including front and back end development, solution architecture, improved user experience, customised lead nurturing, automated email marketing and search optimisation.

Moving quickly to keep the momentum, Hastings Deering engaged Triggerfish on an ongoing basis to complement the existing marketing team capability, and help connect the people, process and tools. This approach enabled the business to leverage the benefit of a connected digital customer experience – a key pillar of their five-year strategy.

The Stack

  • Sitecore 9 using SXA
  • Microsoft Azure PaaS
  • Dataweavers DevOps processes
  • CRM Integration
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Marketing Operations Hygiene

Hastings Deering worked with Triggerfish to configure their MarTech stack, allowing Triggerfish to implement and optimise outputs such as lead nurturing, segmentation, online campaign delivery, reporting and analytics. By focusing on and delivering the fundamentals first, and qualifying non-critical activities as backlog items to be addressed at the right time, the team quickly moved towards the achieving overall business objectives.
HD Our Business

Measuring the right things

Triggerfish worked closely with the Hastings Deering Marketing team to understand the overall business objectives and ensure all marketing goals aligned.

After identifying the key metrics that best represented digital success such as conversion rate, leads by product type, website sessions, and time on site, customised reporting and analytics were set up in Sitecore. All metrics are displayed in a weekly scorecard with trends being identified early with quick decision making by the hybrid team where necessary.

Engagement value scoring, classification and segmentation

Driven by the data presented in the weekly scorecard, the team began lead classification and segmentation. Triggerfish worked with Hastings Deering to understand what the team considered to be the most valuable activity to the business across the website, and used Sitecore’s engagement value scoring to attribute values to certain outcomes or goals. The team applied numerical values to watching videos, downloading brochures, using the call function or requesting a quote, among others.

These activities and their corresponding value progressively profiles visitors and provides more detailed understanding of visitor behaviour and the most effective conversion points. Pattern matching of visitor activity across the site now profiles the visitor to one of Hasting Deering’s key product offerings; Parts, Service, Building and Construction Products, General Construction or Mining.

Campaign assets designed to attract and close

The Sitecore Business Optimisation Strategies (SBOS), is a framework designed to help customers be successful with Personalisation, Automation and delivering great contextual experiences on the Sitecore platform.Having previously used an external platform to manage all campaign landing pages, Hastings Deering wanted to consolidate external campaign delivery platforms into one central platform. This would create a more manageable campaign delivery pipeline for the team with a single tool to produce landing pages, automated emails, reporting, analytics and lead nurturing list management. Triggerfish designed and built updated campaign landing page templates on the Sitecore platform, and Hastings Deering migrated all assets to Sitecore.

Understanding that email is a powerful tool for attracting and engaging both new and existing customers to the website, Triggerfish also produced a suite of best practice campaign and organisational emails that would attract visitors to the new landing pages in preparation for conversion.

All assets were designed, developed and delivered mobile optimised and marketer-friendly so little to no development work is required when the Hastings Deering team need to send a campaign.

Bringing all campaign assets into Sitecore, and integrating the Cat® SalesLink CRM now drives a superior end-to-end customer experience from the first touchpoint through to purchase – bringing together the sales, marketing and customer service business units and ensuring they are all working towards the same business goals.

Process to drive results

Operating on a quarterly goal-setting rhythm broken down into weekly progress checkpoints, the Triggerfish and Hastings Deering teams have been able to achieve business-focused outcomes, fast.

Achievable milestones are set, to ensure quarterly goals are being worked towards, and that the technology is working for the business and not against it.  The team also address issues or roadblocks that arise no more than a week apart, to progress issue resolution in a timely and effective manner so teams can keep moving forward.

The quarterly pulse gives both teams the opportunity to see the activity request backlog and prioritise the most important things to focus on, that will achieve the business goals without other backlog items getting lost along the journey. Roles, responsibilities and accountability to complete tasks across teams are set and understood by all during the quarterly planning, and maintained through clear communication.

Building for the future

With repeatable systems and processes 100% aligned to Sitecore best practices, the Hastings Deering website will continue to grow and evolve with updates and as new features and benefits are added to the platform. By working with the cross-functional Triggerfish team, the Hastings Deering marketing team are successfully leveraging the Sitecore platform with an outcome-focused approach.

"Our relationship has very much evolved such that Triggerfish is just an extension of our marketing function. Working very closely with the team on a daily basis now to optimise, improve and enhance the site has been the key to our success."
Kelly Jury
Marketing Communications Manager

The Journey

Backlog Initiatives
  •  Backlog review
  •  Prioritize
  •  Agree
Quarterly Priorities
  •  Rock Planning
  •  Milestones agreed
  •  Business goal alignment
Hybrid Team Delivery
  •  Growth Optimisation
  •  Issue Resolution
  •  Key Scorecard Metrics
Building a MarTech Stack
  •  Funnel Conversion
  •  Personalization
  •  Digital Profiling
Quarterly Reset
  •  Projects review
  •  Refocus Business Goals
  •  Issue Identification
  •  Backlog review

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